the grass is always greener in the neighbors' yard because they spend lots of money to bring in these lawn and shrub guys who come in big white vans and wear orange and green and big boots and come in pairs and walk around making their yard beautiful by spraying pesticides and liquid miracle grow through big hoses that are attached to tanks that are strapped onto their backs and they carry around like backpacks like in men in black the first one that really sick cockroach guy (there were huge cockroaches in the bahamas!) who got mad at the pest control guy for coming in and asking if he had a pest problem because the guy was like related or something in some sick alien way to all these bugs everywhere so he killed the pest control guy (who wished he would've worked at lawn and shrub for my neighbors) with his own bug spray and went on his merry way in search of the galaxy which was on orion's belt/collar because orion is a cat that belonged to the prince of some other aliens that were at war with the cockroaches. miss weibe i'm sorry i stink at this!
that was so funny--love ya girl!
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