星期五, 九月 03, 2004

what would i need if i was on a deserted island? the very first thing i thought of was my car. i love my car. but the second thing i thought was that my car would be very impractible on a deserted island and it was brought to my attention that if i did take my car i would also need a lifetime supply of gasoline. so i'm ditching that idea. i would take freezer pops and my swimsuit *i'm guessing it's a tropical island*. and on my deserted tropical island i found an abandoned tourist hotel so that's where i live.


Blogger Edwin Allen Henry said...

You me up Angela! lol.
Anyways - I hope that if you ever get stranded on a deserted island, you have freezer pops and your swimsuit, as well as an abandoned hotel on the island! One thing - you'd prolly also want a freezer in the hotel for the popsicles, maybe even a solar powered one or something! ;)

Love in Christ,

check out me blog: http://shishkabloggin.blogspot.com

2004年10月12日 14:14  


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